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Are You With the Messenger Muhammad and Uthmaan Bin Affaan and the Companions or Ibn Al-Mutahhir Al-Rafidee, Yahya Al-Hajuri and the Hajurites?
Posted by Abu.Iyaad, Editor in Articles

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The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu)

The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said (عليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين), "You must stick to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly-guided caliphs." This is a validation of the Sunnahs instituted by the caliphs and met with acceptance by the rest of the Companions either through verbal agreement or silent approval or practical implementation. With the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) on this matter are all the Companions, without exception, naturally. And likewise from those whom we have cited from previously are: Imaam Ahmad, Imaam Abu Dawud, Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Ibn Taymiyyah (see here) - all of them have understood this hadeeth in this manner, and these names are mentioned as samples only since all of Ahl al-Sunnah have this same understanding, in opposition to Ibn al-Mutahhir and Yahya al-Hajuri and the Hajaawirah (after the hujjah is established upon them). Thus Uthmaan (radiallahu anhu) instituted another adhaan for an intelligible maslahah (as Imaam al-Albani explained), and all the Companions took this with acceptance as did the Muslims and their Scholars thereafter. Now, if Muslims implement the adhaan of Uthmaan without consideration of the intelligible reason and benefit for which it was instituted, that in no way means that Uthmaan's action was a bid'ah, it simply means that these people are not truly implementing the Sunnah of Uthmaan (radiyallaahu anhu), and that's an important distinction to note.

Also on this side is Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (see here, here, and here). Also Shaykh Ibn Baz (see here), Shaykh Abd al-Razzaaq al-Afeefee (see here) and Shaykh Abdullah bin Ghudayaan (see here), Imaam Ibn al-Uthaymeen (see here, here, and here) and Imaam al-Albani (see here). So all the Major Scholars of the era are on this side of the fence. Of course, the position of Shaykh Rabee bin Haadee is known. And we can also add here Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree, Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee and others.

Note: This list is in progress as we slowly document all the various citations from the Scholars. Please check back for updates.

As a sample citation from contemporary scholars: Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan was asked (audio here): Question: "Esteemed Shaykh, one of the du'aat (callers) says, "We do not declare Uthmaan (radiyallaahu anhu) an innovator - but we say that the first adhaan on the day of Jumu'ah is an innovation." He (the questioner) says, what is the ruling of this statement of his?" Shaykh al-Fawzaan: "This itself is bid'ah (innovation), the man, this itself is bid'ah [to hold this position], he is an innovator. It is obligatory to withhold his tongue from the likes of this speech. Uthmaan is a rightly-guided caliph, and the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said, "You must follow my sunnah and the sunnah of the rightly-guided caliphs after me..." Is this [speech of his against Uthmaan] from his eagerness for the Sunnah?? He declares the Companions innovators, declares the Caliphs innovators!! Is the Sunnah like this?! We ask Allaah for pardon! This is from ignorance (jahl) and not knowing the bid'ah from Sunnah. Yes."

And from Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymeen (see here, here, and here): "As for the one who rejects it from the newly-arisen ones and says, "It is a bid'ah" and declares Uthmaan (radiyallaahu anhu) to have been misguided (in his action), then he is the astray innovator." And the Shaykh also said: "And the Jumu'ah (prayer) has a first adhaan which is from the Sunnah of Uthmaan (radiyallaahu anhu), and he is one of the rightly-guided Caliphs whose Sunnah we have been commanded to follow. Some of those pretending to be clever who claim that they are Salafis, Sunnis say: We do not accept the first adhaan of Jumu'ah, it is a bid'ah, it was not present in the time of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam). This statement of theirs is a revilement upon the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), a revilement upon the rightly-guided Caliphs and a revilement upon the Companions. And these paupers reached this limit without knowing." And he also said: "This statement of theirs is a revilement upon the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), a revilement upon the rightly-guided Caliphs and a revilement upon the Companions. And these paupers reached this limit without knowing."

Ibn al-Mutahhir al-Raafidee, Yahya al-Hajuri and the Hajurites

Ibn al-Mutahhir (the Rafidee Shaykh refuted by Ibn Taymiyyah in Minhaj al-Sunnah): (إنه - يعني عثمان - زاد الأذان الثاني يوم الجمعة وهو بدعة), "[Ibn al-Mutahhir says] He (meaning Uthmaan) added the second adhaan on the day of Jumu'ah and it is a bid'ah." (see here). Yahya al-Hajuri, says it is a blameworthy bidah (innovation), dalaalah (misguidance), making mukhaalafah (opposition) and bringing the umm ul-bid'ah (mother of innovation) (see here). And from those upon the saying of Ibn al-Mutahhir and Yahya al-Hajuri are the latter's vocal supporters Abu Haatim Yusuf Ibn Eed al-Inaabee al-Jazaa'iree, Abu Fajr Abd al-Fattaah Ibn Uthmaan al-Kanadi (known as Abu Fujoor for the abundance of his lying), Abu al-Layth Yusuf al-Britani, Abu Talhah Musa Millington al-Trindadi and others (to be added) as they make clear which side of the fence they are on.

Note: If your name is on this side and wish for it to be removed, send us a signed tawbah and bayaan through the contact form.


The proof has been established upon them from numerous angles:

  1. The false ijmaa (consensus) claimed by Yahya al-Hajuri has been demolished and annihilated, it is a lie and Yahya al-Hajuri clipped statements of the Scholars to try and prove this alleged consensus or to prove the first adhaan was a blameworthy bid'ah (see example).
  2. On the contrary, the consensus and agreement of the Companions with Uthmaan's Sunnah is established and this is cited by many authorities, Ibn Qudaamah, Ibn Rajab, Ibn Taymiyyah and others.
  3. Their use of the narration of Ibn Umar in which he said about the adhaan of Uthmaan (radiyallaahu anhu) that it is an innovation. Shaykh Rabee' has written an excellent series of refutations on this matter and they should be read, and it becomes clear that the tahqeeq in this matter is with Shaykh Rabee. The narration of Ibn Umar is rejected (munkar) and if for argument's sake we accept it and affirm it, the statement is no different to the saying of his father regarding the Taraweeh prayer, meaning, that he used the word bid'ah linguistically (see here).
  4. Their understanding of the hadeeth "You must follow my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly-guided Caliphs" in a way other than how the Scholars and Imaams of the Sunnah have understood it, specifically in reference to the adhaan of Uthmaan (radiyallaahu anhu).

On all these counts, their position has been refuted. After this, they have refuge to two baseless arguments: a) But some scholars say there is ikhtilaaf in this issue. So they moved from being "people of evidence" to using "ikhtilaaf" as an argument to justify their error and falsehood. b) But Shaykh Muqbil was on this view. This proves that they are Muqallidah and that which they accuse others of, they are guilty to the first degree. They justify adherence to falsehood through taqleed of the errors of the scholars, and that's not just on any light matter. So the Muqallidah of the madhaahib in fiqh are in a better state when they openly admit "We are blind-followers" compared to the Hajurites in this issue in which they justify taqleed of Yahya al-Hajuri after the hujjah is established, and then they say "We are not blind-followers but people of evidence." The muqallid who admits he is a muqallid is closer to reason than the one who is a muqallid (in the matter at hand that is) and says I am not a muqallid!

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