Shaykh Rabee Makes Tabdee of al-Hajuri and Says He is More Evil Than the Haddaadiyyah
All praise is due to Allaah, I testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allaah alone, without any partners. And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger - may Allaah make mention of him and his family with praise and send salutations of peace upon them, to proceed:
Then I heard our Shaykh, the insightful criticiser, Abd al-Azeez bin Yahyaa al-Bura'ee - may Allaah preserve him - in one of the lessons on Tuesday 5/4/1435H saying:
We were in the gathering of Shaykh Rabee in Hajj of this year, 1434H and he said, "Al-Hajuri, he is more evil than the Haddaadiyyah." The Shaykh (al-Bura'ee) said: I said to Shaykh Rabee, "Is this a word of tabdee' (declaring him an innovator)?" He (al-Bura'ee) said: So Shaykh Rabee said: "I make tabdee' of al-Hajuri."
The Shaykh (al-Bura'ee) - may Allaah preserve him - said: And from what Shaykh Rabee said in the same gathering was: "The ideas of the Kharijites have penetrated Al-Hajuri and his associates." And the Shaykh (al-Bura'ee) mentioned that his was in the presence of the (following) Shaykhs: Shaykh Muhammad al-Imaam, Shaykh Abdullaah bin Uthmaan, Shaykh Muhammad al-Sumaalee and Shaykh Uthmaan al-Saalimee.
Written by: Rashaad bin Abd al-Rahmaan al-Alawee. Thursday 7/4/1435H. Dar al-Hadeeth, Yemen, Ib. Mafraq Hubaysh.
And I add that this (meeting with Shaykh Rabee') was on the night of 4th Dhul-Hijjah 1434H [9th October 2013].