Friday, 14 February 2025
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Articles Posted by Abu.Iyaad
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The Adhaan of Uthmaan: Bayaan Talbees Al-Hajaawirah
Documentation of Al-Hajuri's Misguided and Erroneous View on the First Adhaan
More Connections Between Haddadi Hajurites and the Extremist Haddadis Such as Abdul-Hameed Al-Juhanee
The Evil Effects of Intoxicating Bid'ah Upon the Mind, Heart and Soul of Bigoted Hajurites
The Hajaawirah, the Extremist Haddaadis and the Terrorist Kharijites of ISIS
An Exposition of the Attempts of the Qutbiyyah, Takfiriyyah, Haddaadiyyah and Hajawirah to Ascribe Irjaa to Shaykh Rabee
Yahya Al-Haddadi: A Revilement Upon Hamza, the Chief of the Martyrs
Warning Against the Extremist Haddadi Hajurite Fanatic and Seeker of Fame: Abu Fujoor Abdul-Fatah Al-Somali Al-Kanadi
Yahya Al-Hajuri Praises the Raafidee Shi'ah Whilst Declaring Shaykhs of Sunnah to Be Enemies
The Praises of a Pre-Haddadi Yahya Al-Hajuri for His Teacher and Shaykh, Muhammad Bin Abd Al-Wahhaab Al-Wasabee
The Refutations of Shaykh Muhammad Bin Haadee Against Yahya Al-Hajuri Al-Haddadi
Al-Albaani, Ibn Uthaymin and Al-Fawzaan Free Uthmaan From Bid'ah and Dalaalah: A Refutation of Yahya Al-Hajuri, Musa Millington, Abu Fujoor Abd Al-Fattaah Al-Kanadi (And Other Hajurites)
Defending the Honour of Uthmaan Bin Affaan From Al-Hajuri and His Extremist Followers: Part 9 - the Tafseel of Imaam Al-Albaanee
Defending the Honour of Uthmaan Bin Affaan From Al-Hajuri and His Extremist Followers: Part 8
Defending the Companions Against the Slander of [Yahya Al-Hajuri] Who Claimed They Deserted Uthmaan
Shaykh Al-Bura'ee: Who Preceded Al-Hajuri in Compiling Mistakes of the Messenger Into a Single Lecture?!
Shaykh Al-Fawzan [To Hajurites]: Your Intent Is to Declare Uthmaan an Innovator [In the Religion]
Why Is Shaykh Muqbil Excused and Yahya Al-Hajuri Al-Haddadi Is Not? The Answer
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen: The One Who Says Adhaan of Uthmaan Is Bid'ah Reviles the Messenger, the Caliphs and the Companions
Shaykh Ibn Al-Uthaymeen: Foolish-Minded Astray Innovator Who Says Uthmaan's Adhaan of Jumu'ah Is Bid'ah
Shaykh Ibn Al-Uthaymeen: He Is an Astray Innovator Who Says Uthmaan's Action Was Misguided
Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan on the Narration of Ibn Umar Relied Upon by the Hajurites to Revile Uthmaan
Twitter Timeline 2: Al-Hajuri Ascribing Irjaa' to Qudamah Bin Madh'oon and the Activity of the Haddadi Hajurites
Twitter Timeline 1: The Hajurites, the Statement of Making Taqleed of Shaykh Rabee and Talawwun (Changing Colors)
Shaykh Muhammad Bin Haadee Defends Himself Against the Allegations of the Hajurites
I Repent From This Statement (Of Ascribing Bid'ah to the Action of Uthmaan): Another Repentance
Shaykh Al-Fawzan: The One Who Says Uthmaan Innovated (By Instituting the First Adhaan) Is a Mubtadi' (Innovator)
The Website of Tabdee' and Tahzeeb (Al-Oloom) and Its Writers: Part 2 - Khalid Al-Gharbani's Tabdee' of Shaykhs of Yemen
The Website of Tabdee' and Tahzeeb (Al-Oloom) and Its Writers: Part 1 - Shaykh Muhammad Bin Haadee
I Am Repenting From My Mistakes Like Involving in Fitan, Making Tabdee' of Salafi Mashaayikh
Latest Articles
Ahmad Nishwan Al-Maldivi - Hajurite Haddadi Extremist Turns Hardcore Takfiri Kharijite
The Adhaan of Uthmaan: Bayaan Talbees Al-Hajaawirah
Documentation of Al-Hajuri's Misguided and Erroneous View on the First Adhaan
More Connections Between Haddadi Hajurites and the Extremist Haddadis Such as Abdul-Hameed Al-Juhanee
The Evil Effects of Intoxicating Bid'ah Upon the Mind, Heart and Soul of Bigoted Hajurites
The Hajaawirah, the Extremist Haddaadis and the Terrorist Kharijites of ISIS
An Exposition of the Attempts of the Qutbiyyah, Takfiriyyah, Haddaadiyyah and Hajawirah to Ascribe Irjaa to Shaykh Rabee
Yahya Al-Haddadi: A Revilement Upon Hamza, the Chief of the Martyrs
Warning Against the Extremist Haddadi Hajurite Fanatic and Seeker of Fame: Abu Fujoor Abdul-Fatah Al-Somali Al-Kanadi
Yahya Al-Hajuri Praises the Raafidee Shi'ah Whilst Declaring Shaykhs of Sunnah to Be Enemies
Articles on Manhaj.Com
Books Refuting Yahya al-Hajuri's Deviations
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Shaykh Rabee in 1432H: Yahya Al-Hajuri Is a Fool and a Vile Haddadi
The Hajaawirah, the Extremist Haddaadis and the Terrorist Kharijites of ISIS
Al-Albaani, Ibn Uthaymin and Al-Fawzaan Free Uthmaan From Bid'ah and Dalaalah: A Refutation of Yahya Al-Hajuri, Musa Millington, Abu Fujoor Abd Al-Fattaah Al-Kanadi (And Other Hajurites)
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Yahya Al-Hajuri Praises the Raafidee Shi'ah Whilst Declaring Shaykhs of Sunnah to Be Enemies
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Why Is Shaykh Muqbil Excused and Yahya Al-Hajuri Al-Haddadi Is Not? The Answer
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