Yahya al-Hajuri

Haddadi Rehabilitation Series: Admonitions and Reflections (Part 5) - Shaykh Muhammad Al-Wasaabee
Posted by Abu.Iyaad on Sunday, March, 09 2014 and filed under Articles

Shaykh Muhammad al-Wasaabee said, speaking about Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah):

He (Shaykh Muqbil) was gentle, merciful with the students, compassionate towards them (out of fear for them), and he used to be compassionate upon the foreigners even more, he would be merciful regarding their situation, that they came from far away states (countries), and perhaps in their own countries they were comfortable, and then they came to live the ((difficult) customary life in Dammaaj. For that reason he (Shaykh Muqbil) advised, in his legacy, with respect to the foreigners, and from Allaah is aid sought. Then after his death, they (the foreigners) received from al-Hajuri - and there is no power and no might except by Allaah - what harmed them. He caused how many a foreigner to cry! Al-Hajuri, how many a foreigner amongst the foreigners he made to cry. And how many of our foreign brothers left Dammaaj whilst crying, they were crying - and there is no power nor might except by Allaah - until I was informed from some of them that they used to make du'a against al-Hajuri in Arafah (during Hajj), on the Day of Arafah, whilst they were at Arafah and they were foreigners. Some of the brothers informed me that they would make du'a against him, and they would be crying in Arafah, whilst in Arafah.

The important thing is that we ask Allaah for safety, and we seek refuge in Allaah from hardened, stone-like hearts. We seek refuge in Allaah from stone-hardened hearts, the heart when it becomes hard like a stone - we seek refuge in Allaah - and sometimes a person has a share (of the meaning) of his name... the name can sometimes have a share of (that person) ... [but he (Shaykh Muqbil)] did not preoccupy them as al-Hajuri has preoccupied them from their lessons and has put them to trial in their religion. And he expelled the Yemenis and the foreigners whilst they were crying, may Allaah give him what he deserves. And the reckoning is on the Day of Reckoning. We ask Allaah to keep all of us safe - through His favour and generosity - from that with which he has put the Hajurites to trial, and (by which He has put) all of the deviants (to trial).

From a preserved cassette recording as cited on page 16 of the book, "They Turned Dammaaj Into a Torch of Fire After It Was a Torch of Light" (read here).