Yahya al-Hajuri

I Am Repenting From My Mistakes Like Involving in Fitan, Making Tabdee' of Salafi Mashaayikh
Posted by Abu.Iyaad on Tuesday, March, 11 2014 and filed under Articles

The following has been forwarded to us by a number of people (indicating the suitability of it being published on this website). We don't know the brother in question (author of the repentance) nor what he has been saying in the past, but we ask Allaah to accept this from him and grant Him success in what follows. The brother has also requested the administrators of the website of aloloom to remove all of his posts (see screenshots here) in order to free himself.

Here is the recantation:

Note: The positive step taken by this brother, may Allaah reward him, ought to be an encouragement for many others who deep inside their souls know that something is not right with the manhaj they have been upon and perhaps it has opened the door for others to follow suit. We ask Allaah to guide our brothers who got caught up in all of this mess and no doubt, for most of them, this was only because of their love of the da'wah of Shaykh Muqbil and the husn udh-dhann (good opinion) they held initially about Yahya al-Hajuri. We ask Allaah, the Exalted, to allow many more to see the evil effects of this da'wah and to leave the evil manhaj of Yahya al-Hajuri.