Yahya al-Hajuri

The Website of Tabdee' and Tahzeeb (Al-Oloom) and Its Writers: Part 2 - Khalid Al-Gharbani's Tabdee' of Shaykhs of Yemen
Posted by Abu.Iyaad on Wednesday, March, 12 2014 and filed under Articles

The following is speech from the Ikhwani, Haddaadi, owner and operator of the al-Oloom website, Khalid al-Gharbani:

From what he states in this post:

...And that which I believe is that the Mashaayikh of al-Ibaanah [referring to the Scholars of Yemen] are to be considered a family-branch from the families of al-Ikhwaan al-Mufliseen, and their book "al-Ibaanah" is a Qutbi book, for they are Ikhwanis, Qutbis, and they are from the private circle (bitaanah) of Shaykh Rabee who promised to give them direction when transgression was made against Dammaaj, whereas in reality, he (Shaykh Rabee') was himself in need of one who would direct him....

It has often been said by Shaykh Rabee' that many of those with Ikhwani, takfiri backgrounds who come into Salafiyyah (with not so sincere intentions) their previous excess in the field takfeer changes into excess in the field of tabdee' and they employ this tool to cause turmoil amongst Ahl al-Sunnah by throwing accusations of Ikhwaniyyah and Hizbiyyah to cause splits in the da'wah and create enmity between the Salafis. You have the likes of this man (al-Gharbani) as "al-mushrif al-aamm" (the administrator) dictating these kinds of remarks on their forums!

We ask Allaah, the Most High, to grant success to those who know and feel in their hearts that something is not right about this manhaj in following the way of those who have openly recanted (see here and here). Ameen.