This is an audio compilation of all of the statements of Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhali against Yahya al-Hajuri and his students and followers:
Refutation of some of the doubts of the Hajurites.
Refutation of the one who applied the description of bid'ah to the action of Uthmaan bin Affaan (radiyallaahu anhu).
His remarks regarding the description of Shaykh Ubayd al-Jabiree as the " Sabt of the new hizbiyyah."
His remark regarding the ascription of hizbiyyah to Shaykh Ubayd al-Jabiree.
His statement about al-Hajuri, "He is an idiot, more severe than Faalih, he is not to be studied with."
Clarification of the lie of Muhammad al-Siwaree (a Hajurite) in the issue of elections.
Refutation of the slander and fabrication of al-Hajuri who claimed that Shaykh Muhammad described Shaykh Muqbil as a Juhaymaanee.
Defence of the Scholars of the Sunnah in Yemen and refutation of the transgression of Yahya al-Hajuri and Muhammad al-Siwaree against them.
His statement that "al-Hajuri's (affair) ended with Abu al-Hasan and Ali Hasan."
Shaykh Arafat al-Muhammadi's citing the agreement of Shaykh Muhammad bin Haaadee with the tabdee of al-Hajuri by Shaykh Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahaab al-Wassaabee.